Appointments are available between 5pm and 7pm on Tuesday to Friday evenings.
The button below links to a Calendly booking form.

A wide selection of mouldings to choose from.

A dedicated consultation area

A characterful location in historic Faversham, Kent
Redrock Gallery and Picture Framers is situated on the picturesque market square of Faversham, Kent, less than ten minutes drive from junction 6 of the M2. As well as our custom framing service we offer a choice selection of art prints, original work and prints by local artists. Redrock Gallery and Picture Framers is a member of the Fine Art Trade Guild and is owned by a Guild Certified Framer.
Bespoke Picture Framing
Large Frames
Hot and Cold Dry Mounting and Laminating
Multi-Aperture Mounts, V Grooves and Double Mounts
Box Frames, Object Framing and Sports Memorabilia
Repairs and Renovation
Canvas Stretching
Mounts, Glass and Acrylic Glazing Cut to Size
